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A lot of Pale Moon users are upset with me for not working on more new features, but they don't understand that I prioritise investing my time in making the user experience of this browser better instead. The bigger problem is that many people still don't use it despite its stability, compatibility and quality which makes me very sad. Over the past two years of Pale Moon development I've done a lot to improve the user experience and fix some long-standing issues for power users, but I eventually reached a point where there is so much work left to do that it's impossible for me to go forward without help. Even though it would be important to have a full-time developer who could keep working on new features and improvements, such person is not needed because I'm willing to do this. I'm very grateful of the support I get from Pale Moon's community and all of you guys are very important for me. You make me feel more responsible for this project and motivates me to work even harder to make the best product possible. I don't consider myself a "professional programmer" and never wanted to be one, but I guess that everyone needs to earn some money somehow and that's why I always worked on different web projects including Pale Moon, which taught me a lot about how things work in the browser world. I wanted to share with you some of the things I learned over the years and because I don't like writing much about it, I decided to record a podcast episode for this. It's called "Pale Moon Crisis" and you can listen here: I hope it's readable, but if not then there is also an annotated version here (disclaimer: I'm no good at drawing): If you are interested in keeping up with the development activity on Pale Moon or want to learn more about this project, consider following me on Twitter where I regularly post updates. Also, if you are an experienced C++ programmer with knowledge of Mozilla internals and willing to help out, please let me know. Next, I'm planning to work on fixes for the issues concerning incompatible extensions and people found about after this article's publication. Finally, I want to thank all of you for your support and hopefully we'll reach a point where we can call this browser stable and focus on new features instead. Thank you! – Florian The post "Pale Moon Crisis – The Road to Stable" was originally published on . It was written by Florian Weimer . The original title of the post was  " Pale Moon Crisis – The Road to Stable ". I am the developer of Pale Moon, a highly customizable browser based on Mozilla technologies. This blog is about my views on web development, the browser and various other interesting topics. If you like my articles, consider giving me a follow: . If you find this post interesting or useful or if you want to support my work for creating free and open source software, please consider making a donation. On the donation page I will be happy to get your feedback on improvements I can make to support this blog further. cfa1e77820


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